Tuesday, February 28, 2017



         From the basic newspapers archive, I found this article from page 13 of the Pittsburgh Press,  December 23,1907. It was given the header "Says New York Has no Slums: Poorest people there prosperous compared with those of :" The article is an interview with a superintend of the Maternity House whose services are in behalf of the women in the Liverpool slums.  I believe Miss Annie Goslings's insight is accurate and very valuable since her whole life was devoted to caring for the woman and children, and connecting with them- similar to an aid worker or a doctor with "Doctors Without Borders" would do today. . Gosling a definite progressive, is a large activist in the act of Prohibition, as she believes alcohol to be a key component in the slums, "While much of the poverty is due to drinking. There also is much of the drinking due to poverty. The men cannot find work and the lot of the woman is so hopeless that drink seems the only relief." (Gosling, Pittsburgh Press).  She believes the Grocer's spirits License act has the most "wicked effects" than any piece of legislation passed as it is, "Increasing force of the drink habit among the lower classes of women in the slums" (Gosling, Pittsburgh Press). The boredom and idleness that the women face  as well as the "deepening poverty plunges" causes these women to fall further and further into drink slavery. However, it is sadly not only adults that are being affected by this, but children as well. One of her patients, a seven year old girl, died of "gin drinker's liver" before she was old enough to even go to school.
        From the beginning of a child's life in the slums, they are immediately in a beyond tragic environment. Part of Gosling's job was helping with child birth and she describes her working conditions and resources as , "One small and indescribable filthy room, a sack in the corner for a bed, an orange box for a table [...] in such a room another child is brought into the world.[...] "The children go barefooted to school in the worst weather we have-that is if they live to school age. Among this class the infant mortality rate is high and growing higher." ( Gosling, Pittsburgh Press).  The infant death rate became so bad that the mayor of Huddersfield, another Progressive, became so disturbed by the high death rate among infants, he offered his own money out. He gave 5$ in American money to each family that had an infant born in the slums that survived 12 months. The death rate did decrease for infants, and the mayor was ruined financially. This further exemplifies the terrible condition because it shows that the 5$ was considered a great amount of money to the women in the slums, and that that small amount helped their babies live for another year. “Many of these women live a lifetime without having 5$ at one time. Without this incentive the baby was given no care; was not worth enough to the poverty stricken father and the gin sodden mother to prompt them to try to keep it alive. In short, it was demonstrated that a child’s life could be saved for a sovereign. Again I say such poverty as this is not known in the United States and I pray never will be known (Gosling, Pittsburgh Press).
This most significant message I got from this article was that people in that time period were unaware of what true poverty is, and what the slums really are. She says the staple people use to determine a slum is the poverty struck area of New York, but she thinks that the poverty struck area in New York is rich and a dream compared to the real slums. Although she believes that alcohol is the main cause of this, and was actively awaiting the Prohibition act, she finishes the interview by saying, "“I sometimes feel as I wind my way out of these terrible slums and see the public house on the corner- the only bright spot in the neighborhood.-that had I only a few pence I, too  probably would spend it for gin to gain a few minutes or hours’  forgetful of my condition.” (Gosling, Pittsburgh Press) because the slums were just that bad.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

The factory was owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, and can be easily termed as a sweat shop. The employees were all immigrant women in their teens and early twenties who were restricted to the little workspace which was mostly taken up by the large sewing machines. There were only two stairways that led to the street and one was kept locked to prevent people from escaping and also  from stealing. If all the workers could have exited down the one fire escape, it would have taken many hours, so a best case scenario was non existent. The danger of the fires were well known but no one cared or worked to fix it due to the very corrupt government and clothing industry. In addition to not placing sprinklers in the building, it seemed that Max and Isaac were guilty of starting the fire in order to collect the insurance money. They paid their workers 15$ a day when they all actually worked for over 12 hours, and when the International  Ladies Garment Workers Union held a strike for shorter hours and better pay they were in the minority of manufactures that did not comply. Instead they paid of government figures to look the other way and even hired corrupted police officer thugs to imprison the women who tried to strike. The fire started in a rag bin, and the attempt to use a hose to put it out was futile when the hose valve could not even open. Some girls threw themselves down empty elevator shafts and others were burned alive when they tried exiting down the stairwell but found out that the door was locked. In total 145 people died from this fire. On April 5 the worker's union set up a march and over 80,000 people attended.even though they were not held accountable for the fire, the massacre did compel the city to start reform measures. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Progressive Era

1.  I would define progress as the advancement to a goal, or the growth that comes from past failures.

2. 1890-1920 is the time period referred to as the progressive era because it was a time of social activism and political reform across the US.  The achievements of the progressive era  include purifying the government, women's suffrage, prohibition of alcohol, women's suffrage, and families being focused on the idea of a family and education. link

3. All progressive reforms are directed in reforming the government to promote equality.


Essential goals worth striving for/ Necessary changes

  • removing corruption
  • women's suffrage
  • limitations on child labor

Good Goals – not strictly necessary but could really improve life

  • family oriented living
  • housing conditions
  • conserve and protect national resources
  • health and safety codes
  • prohibition

Strange Goals

Not a good idea

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Future

1. Predictions about the future people were making 100 years ago//50 years ago


  • flying taxis
  • routine moon travel 
  • transferring knowledge through wires attached to the head
  • self-driving cars
  • firefighters will fly around with bat wings
  • blimp boats
  • domesticate whales and use for transportation
  • flying cars
  • winged hover cars 
  • automated bathrooms
  • robot hairdressers
  • holographic/video chatting
  • mobile society
  • automated industry
  • wild animals are only in zoos
  • pre cooked meals and purchases delivered through pneumatic tubes
  • zero traffic noise- transit is completely underground 

2.  Most of them should be placed on a "wish-list" since they can make life simpler, but things like robotic hairdressers or knowledge transfer through wires should not. I think that will lead to a wall-e situation where everyone is lazy and immobile. Also wild animals only being in zoos seems more like a prediction of a dystopian future, since that would completely destroy the eco system and natural process of life. 

Predictions that have come true
  • video chatting : facetime, skype
  • a mobile society: mobile homes/trailers 
  • automated industry: 3d printers, factory farming, technological vegetable farming
  • self-driving cars: Tesla and other industries are super close to releasing them
  • automated bathrooms : popular in japan, interactive toilets, showers, and towel racks 

Predictions that are still out of reach
  • routine moon travel is far too expensive and still risky for the public
  • wire knowledge transfer
  • flying cars
  • underground transit seems highly unlikely and not a desire anymore
  • domestic robots in every household

4.  The trend throughout most of these predictions is that they are mostly all technology based. They all seem to anticipate a comfortable world that requires a minuscule amount of human effort since everything is done for them.  

5. I definitely see self-driving electric cars in the future which can mean clean energy, which hopefully will be a trend that we see in all industries. Either way I think the world will continue to advance technologically and socially since so many changes have been made in just the last ten years like legalizing gay-marriage. If the clean energy trend doesn't rapidly spread then I don't think anyone will be able to even breathe. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The 1913 Armory Show and the Creation of a New Age.

           In the New York 69th Regiment Armory on Lexington Avenue, over 1250 works of art from over 300 European and American artists had come together. The 1913 armory show, officially named as The International Exhibition of Modern Art, brought "avant-garde" to America. Without this mind-opening event, the nation would not have experienced the positive impact on urban life that resulted from this spectacle.
         25 American artists united under the Association of American Painters and Sculptors to sponsor the show. Arthur B.Davies, Walt Kuhn, and Elmer MacRae, all esteemed artists of the time, came together as presidents, secretary, and treasurer of this society. It was Arthur's idea to make the space itself out of the ordinary, yet elegant and tasteful, as a wishful reflection of the art. To do so, he converted the large, hollow armory into a labyrinth of rooms by hanging burlap partitions, as well as decorating with flowers, exotic greenery, beautiful lighting, and a band. With the thousands of invited guests, came just as many critics. The art was dragged through the mud as the Cubists were ridiculed, Matisse was trashed, and the ever famous Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase became the immediate laughing stock of the public. The aforementioned artists are highly recognized today, so the show was obviously not a flop. On the contrary, the "cozy art" caused the attendance to grow heavily as it got attention from figures like the Former President Theodore Roosevelt who compared Duchamp's piece to an, "Explosion in a shingle factory, or perhaps my bathroom mat"(NPR). However, as the show approached its peak attendance, the negative reviews and articles were suddenly overpopulated by positivity,"A miracle, a bomb shell, not to be missed",  "The armory show shattered the even complacency of American art"(armoryshow.org).
          With an estimated attendance of over 300,000 people, the impact of the show resounded strongly amongst all types of people. American artists soon adopted the loose forms and vibrant colors of the modern impressionists in the armory such as Cezanne and Matisse. The art of fauvism, a french term derived from the  term"fauves, or wild beasts emerged from exhibition. This was the name given to describe the uncivil nudes and harsh color combinations which could be seen amongst the majority of the art. The acknowledgment and acceptance of this term marked the transition between the old post impressionism, and the new expressionism which was all about breaking the boundaries of impressionism, resulting in the use of flowers, figures, and landscapes with a much more vibrant color palette, and a simpler approach. Jon Quin, a lawyer and art connoisseur was present throughout the exhibition, and was interviewed by the New York times for his esteemed opinion, "One of the most important international exhibitions of contemporary art that has been held in any country in the last quarter of a century [...] but they are alive and vital and we may stay for them that 'they don't know where they're going, but they know they're on the way,' which is not only true of the cubists. But of all art that is living and vital and progressive"(Jon Quinn).  
         To paraphrase Jon Quin, if the show was meant to be anything, it was to be progressive. It was meant to push the nation forward, and grow from the creativity it inspired, "The armory show was intended to shake America out of its lethargy, to revitalize it, make new opportunities for artists, and interest the world" (armory show.org) Overnight, america became a hub and the top market for modern art. The Met paid the highest price for one piece of art, lighting the fuse under galleries all over the nation, reforming the practice of art collection. This one purchase can be accredited to the great art museums we have the privilege of visiting today.  Yes, modern would have eventually made its way to America, however, the Armory show is the reason the public became so intensely involved and aware.
       Along with the public and the artists, the armory show also changed the business of art , "It didn't just influence the artists, it influenced buyers so much over the next 100 years" ( Todd Weyemer, Specialist).  Today at the high society fairs like the Art Basel  and the Venice Biennall, you can still see the product of the Armory Show's provoking headlines in the similar, highly coveted styles of art. The show became "A prototype for contemporary commercial showcases ( Todd Weyemer, Specialist). The centennial anniversary show which took place in 2013 and was much alike to the original with the exception of the center galleries. These showcased a spread of artists that were pre-modernism such as Van Gogh and Courbet- artists who were significantly controversial in their day, but renamed to be masters and classics in 1913 with the arrival of the new controversial work from the Armory show. The purpose of the pre-modernism tribute, surrounded by the modernists of the 1913 show, and currently controversial pieces was to remind the public about the nature of progress, and to illuminate the message of individualism.
        Personally, the idea of individualistic thinking, is the most important gift the Armory Show gave to America. "The importance of the Armory Show lies in the fact that it collected all these strands, arranged them in a grand design, and challenged the public to look"(armoryshow.org). It was a time that all races and genders from around the world could come together, view the art, exchange opinions, generate ideas, and grow as a global community, "between cultural democracy, and an international, free-market economy, allowing the globe to value undifferentiated works in a large market where they could make choices based on individual preferences" (JoAnne Mancinni). While people were coming from all over the world to discuss this work,  the Immigration flow in 1913 was also prominent. New York was becoming a cultural hub with new languages and cultures at every corner, and the gift of individualism to many of these people was a great one. The boldness of the International Exhibition of Modern Art was not only daring, but incredibly different, and proved to be a great success, "Nearly 50,000 have visited the exhibition in the 69th regiment armory the 8 days it has been open. Over 160 works of art have been sold, and the association has entered already into a contract with the Chicago Art Institute [...] Its success in attendance and sales demonstrates something great of the American people,"(Jon Quinn) .
        Today, the amount of art sold from the show is equivalent to over 2 million dollars. To the country, and especially immigrants, the success of the show was a symbol and an encouragement to have confidence in your opinion, try something new, stay creative, and to not be afraid. Creativity and the ability to form new ideas are the source of urbanization, industrialization, and the growth of a nation. Without free thinking and new opinions, ideas can't freely generate, or be built-on, and the world would be in a constant rut. Although the show advanced urbanization, it was also influenced by it. None of it would have been possible without the strong global communication, the transportation for art being imported from around the world, and especially the new media and press which came from the rapidly urbanizing america. The show would not have gotten any attention on its own and been dismissed quickly without the newspapers and press.
       In the end, the 1913 armory show accomplished all of it's goals. It opened minds, and furthered Urban life. It influenced artists to create, inspired people to take the leap and become artists, expanded the global art trade, as well as influencing cultural and societal growth with the sharing of ideas. It transformed the public perceptions of art, and influenced avant-garde thinking in all parts of life. Most importantly, it was a symbol of freedom and individualism to immigrants, and a stepping stone to a greater nation.


Source 1:
General overview

Source 2:
Primary Source Newspaper article- article about commitee talking about show over dinner

Source 3:
The impact 100 years later

Source 4:
100 years later

Source 5:

Source 6:

Primary Photo Sources 7-12


The board of the show