What I think:
To analyze a political cartoon, I think you need to closely observe various small details such as facial expressions, words/signs, and body gestures in order to understand the message or point of view the cartoonist was hoping to convey. Most of those details probably relay a bigger idea.
After reading a guide
for analyzing political cartoons:
I was right by saying the small details relay a bigger idea. The guide (linked below) says symbolism is one of the first things you should search for. You should try to focus on one aspect at a time and try to deduce what it is a symbol for. I also learned that exaggeration, labeling, analogy, and irony are the others that you need to observe. The viewer should search for exaggerated features such as overdone and overblown characteristics like facial expressions or enlarged body parts. I was also right by saying that words/signs are important. This guide says cartoonists label things for a reason, and if anything is labeled it has significance. After observing a cartoon for a while you should be ready to decide what the cartoons analogy is, more specifically what event as a whole do you believe it is related to, then you will be able to narrow what the meaning truly is. To do that, the guide suggest looking for irony in the scene displayed, and then focus on that to decide the author's take on the situation.
How I will now look at political cartoons:
I will use the method that this guide suggests. To start, I will search for obvious symbolism, and any apparent Irony to try and figure out what situation the cartoon is referring to. Then, to understand the cartoon's analogy fully, I will observe the exaggerated features and any text or labels that are on the cartoon. As the guide suggests, I will ask myself questions such as , "What is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue?" , "What other opinion can you imagine another person having on this issue?"
Cartoon about the Spanish/American war:
I can see this cartoon is in the unfavorable view of President McKinley in specific. I know this because of the text that says "LET GO OF HIM, MCKINLEY!". It shows an American trying to hold the President back, which we know since he is hanging under the American Flag. A bald eagle, which is America's national bird is hanging over with his wings spread and talons up, which makes it seem like it is attacking. The bird is hovering above a man lying on the ground, probably dead, and a woman cowering in fear. This message of this is that America is already defeating Spain viciously, but McKinley is trying to really go the extra and unnecessary mile, which seems almost inhumane since they are already dead. We can see this since McKinley has a sword in his hand and looks like he is about to stab a man that is already dead. The bald eagle, McKinley, and the Flag are exaggerated features to emphasize the point that they are greater in the war and should be feared. It makes the fallen soldier and woman look small in comparison, and like the battle is unfair. The American holding the president back is a bold move since it is the president after all, and that they are on the same side, but even he believes that McKinley is going too far.
Cartoon about the Philippine Conflict:
This cartoon is in favor of America. The large boot stepping on the Philippines (we know due to the label that says "Philippines") is assumed to be American because of the striped pant. This feature is enlarged to show that America is greater and can step all over the Philippines if the please. The small man that is assumed to be Philippine, is trying to unsuccessfully stab the boot which shows that they are defenseless and should give up trying to stop America. The sign stating the U.S. is taking over is also taller than the man and the trees, which is another way to show that America is bigger and their presence is strong.
Political Cartoon about American Imperialism
This cartoon is favorable in the view America and president McKinley. I figured that this was president McKinley because he is tall, and his nose and other facial features look like those of McKinley's. This cartoon is trying to say that America is right in trying to obtain Puerto Rico , Cuba, Hawaii, and the Philippines since their current state is disastrous. We get this idea due to the unbehaved and messy babies crawling all over the president. They are acting poorly while pulling hair, and screaming, and as Hawaii is breaking dishes. This is in favor of McKinley since it shows he its trying to carry the babies despite their actions and appearance, relaying the idea that McKinley is just trying to help these "unruly" countries.
wonderful work! very interesting and very captivating!!
ReplyDeletethis helped me with my history assignment. Thank goodness for copy and paste.