Monday, May 15, 2017

Argo Dinner Party Artifact Exhibit

These are all important artifacts that portray parts of the Iranian Hostage Crisis and Canadian Caper, which the movie Argo was based on. 

These movie posters and business cards were created as protective measures by the CIA team in hopes to provide another level of authenticity towards their mission.

This photo shows Canada and the United States standing side by side, with many individuals in the back talking with each other. The image became popular after the story of the joint effort between the United States and Canada to bring six Americans home, became popular.

This image was taken as some of the American hostages were being paraded around the captured embassy compound by their captors.

This article was issued front page in the The New York Times first thing after the return of the hostages became public news. The headline is famously known as it announces the end of one of the longest international hostage situations, but is also playing enormously in the favor of President Reagan and giving his presidency the perfect start.

With the poster of Ayatollah Khomeini amongst the seemingly never ending sea of students, this photo was captured at the perfect time. It shows the start of the Iranian Hostage Crisis as the students literally climb over the fence to seize the compound.

This excerpt from a letter from the Assistant Secretary of State, Harold H. Saunders, to the Secretary State is part of a status update. It gives us insight into the American public’s view on the situation. The letter discusses the the return of the six american hostages, and said that it did provide some hope to the families of the the other 52 hostages still remaining in Iran, however they all remain frustrated.

President Jimmy Carter’s first attempt at negotiating the return of the American Hostages, that would be followed by many other failures.

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